Research in the Automotive Research Center addresses a broad set of issues pertaining to modeling and simulation of ground vehicle systems. The center is organized in five Thrust Areas with synergistic activities. The scope of the areas evolves over time based on our discoveries and feedback from sponsors and industry. Given the complex nature of research challenges in the automotive area, collaboration within and across the Thrust Areas is an essential element of our philosophy. Main accomplishments are highlighted every year through integrative case studies at the ARC Annual Program Review.

Vehicle Controls & Behaviors
Thrust Area 1: Vehicle Dynamics, Control, and Autonomous Behavior, focuses on individual vehicles, addressing the technology gaps that span …

Human-Autonomy Interaction
Thrust Area 2: Human Centered Design and Human Autonomy Teaming, focuses on research into the interaction of humans and vehicles, which …

Advanced Structures & Materials
Thrust Area 3: Advanced Structures and Materials, focuses on research into the physical embodiment of autonomous assets, including new …

Intelligent Power Systems
Thrust Area 4: Intelligent Power Systems, focuses on research into new power system architectures that have connectivity, perception and …

Systems of Systems & Integration
Thrust Area 5: Fleet Operations and Vehicle System of Systems Integration, focuses on research into fleet-level dynamics, system-of-systems …

Affiliate Projects
The ARC Affiliates Program supports projects that leverage technologies from mature ARC research for transition to industry. This is a new program that is being developed. Please contact if your company is interested. More information can be found on the About > Engage with Us page of this website.

Integrated Efforts
The breadth of the ARC research across its five thrust areas allows for unique integrative efforts where the whole is more than just the sum of the components. Such activities are highlighted in case studies which focus on addressing complex challenges by comprehensive solutions obtained through the integration of the efforts in various ARC projects. Participants in such case studies include faculty, students, GVSC researchers, and industry quad members.