Zissimos Mourelatos
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Zissimos P. Mourelatos is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the John F. Dodge Chair of Engineering at Oakland University. Dr. Mourelatos conducts research in the areas of design under uncertainty, structural reliability methods, reliability and warranty forecasting of repairable systems, Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO), vibrations and dynamics, and NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Reliability and Safety, an Associate Editor of the SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, and SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles. He has also served as an Associate Editor and Guest Co-Editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Dr. Mourelatos is a Fellow of ASME and SAE.
- Optimal Operation and Depot Maintenance of Repairable Systems
- Modeling and Simulation of Repairable Systems for Depot Maintenance and Warranty Forecasting using an Effective Age Approach
- New Fatigue Reliability and Random Vibration Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems
- Simulation-based Validation and Certification of Vehicle Tests and Designs
- Multilevel Vehicle Design: Fuel Economy, Mobility, and Safety Considerations
- A Novel Integrated Approach for a Resource-Efficient Design Validation Co-process
- Development and Laboratory Implementation of an Accelerated Testing Method for Vehicle Systems using Time-Dependent Reliability/Durability Principles