Kyung K. Choi
Roy J. Carver Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Roy J. Carver Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa. BS, Yonsei University, Korea (1970); MS, University of Iowa (1977); PhD, University of Iowa (1980). Areas of interest: Mechanical System Analysis, Design Sensitivity Analysis, and Optimal Design , Reliability-Based Design Optimization (Design for 6-Sigma), Possibility-Based Design , Optimization, & Robust Design Optimization , Computational Methods in Mechanics , Mathematical Theory of Optimization and its Application to Mechanical Systems Design , Development of Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization Tools , Development of Simulation-Based Concurrent Engineering Environment and CAE Integration. Author/coauthor of over 160 archived journal papers, over 180 conference papers and three books. Fellow of ASME, SAE, AIAA; Associate Editor, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines; Review Editor, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization; Senior Advisor, Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization; Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Reliability and Safety (IJRS)