Jeffrey L. Stein
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Stein has been on faculty at The University of Michigan since 1983 becoming a Full Professor in 1996. He received his B.S. in premedical studies with a minor in Psychology (1973) from the Univ. of Massachusetts; his S.B. and S.M. (1976) and Ph.D. (1983) all in Mechanical Engineering and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Expertise: use of computer based modeling and simulation tools for system design and control with applications to sustainable transportation and advanced manufacturing. Program Chair, 2012 DSCC (Dynamic Systems and Control Conference); Former chair of the Executive Committee, and the Honors and Award Committee of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division; Associate Editor of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory; Former Associate Editor of the ASME Transactions: Journal of Dynamics Systems Measurement and Control. DSC ASME DSCD Michael J. Rabins Leadership Award, 2012, ASME, Dedicated Service Award (2010) and ASME Fellow (2006). Invited Speaker, Congressional Briefing, “The Road to the New Energy Economy: Electric Cars”, March 23, 2011, Rayburn Office Bldg., Washington, DC. Invited Plenary Speaker, 2010 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling, Orlando, FL. Authored or coauthored over 185 articles in journals and conference proceedings.